Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Paraphrasing Tools Online

Paraphrasing tools can make your job easier and faster. However, you should keep in mind that not all of these online tools are reliable and effective. Some of them can be quite useful, depending on a type of text.

Paraphrasing Tool

Article Rewriter Tool 

Free Best Spinner


Best Free Spinner

If you use the above tools, you should still think how to change word order, change 
parts of speech, use synonyms, use negatives or opposite expressions (antonyms), combine (into one) or separate (into two or more) sentences, use passive voice instead of active voice or vice versa. 

There is a good online dictionary of synonyms:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Oral Presentation

You will have to speak about your research reports and discuss the following issues:
  • general information about your research topic
  • explain why you decided to choose this topic
  • discuss basic research question and research hypothesis
  • explain why your research question is important
  • what you expected to find out in your research
  • explain briefly your research objectives
  • describe briefly the general structure of your research paper
  • references
  • conclusions (must be specific, especially those that are related to your survey)
  • explain what you could not find out in your research (and explain the reasons, difficulties and/or limitations)
  • your recommendations regarding further investigation into the problem
  • any other issues related to your research
  • prepare to answer some questions.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Charts, Graphs and Diagrams

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Research Reports

Dear Students,

We are going to finalize research reports. If you still have some doubts (i.e. are not sure what to do and how to do), click here and revise the main points.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Oral Presentations - 7 Minutes

Dear Student,

Prepare to give a 7-minute presentation on a chosen topic. You will need to prepare an outline of your presentation and submit it just before giving your presentation. Your outline must be printed on A 4 paper, Times New Roman 11, spaces between the lines: 1.15. The date of presentation: next week, Tuesday, 20 October. You will be assessed: fluency, knowledge of the topic, explanation of information (content), correct usage of vocabulary, and the quality of the Outline of the Presentation.

You can choose your presentation topic from online resources, such as:


Medicine Net

Everyday Health


National Institutes of Health

Yahoo Health




Mind Body Green



Medical News Today

Mayo Clinic

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Research Report and Extensive Reading Texts

Dear Student,

This is just a reminder. Please prepare the following:

1. Read carefully all instructions that are given herePlease do some online and library research and find reliable information that is related to your research topic.

2. Study the page about paraphrasing.

3. Write a detailed outline of your research. It should be printed on A 4 page, Times New Roman 11, spaces between the lines 1.5. 

4. Prepare to discuss your research in front of the class: tell the title, explain clearly why you have chosen the topic, formulate your research hypothesis, research question and tell how you are going to conduct your research. You can also mention the basic parts of your research report (introduction, chapters, conclusion, recommendations, references, bibliography and the appendices). Explain what type of a questionnaire you have prepared: give a few examples and explain how the answers in the questionnaire will help you to answer your research question.

5. Please note that you will not be allowed to speak if you do not submit your research outline.

6. Go to Extensive Reading page and write three basic statements about each text (four texts).

Best regards,

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What are the latest advances in imaging technology? Explain and give examples.

Four Big Advances in Imaging Technology
There have been many improvements to imaging technology in recent years. Here are a few that experts singled out as especially significant. While these are becoming more common, keep in mind that the newest technology may not be available yet at your local hospital.
·         Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography
"CT angiography is one of the greatest advances in imaging," says Lewin.
Just a few years ago, an angiography -- an examination of the blood vessels -- could only be done by inserting a catheter into an artery. In the procedure, contrast material -- a substance that makes it easier to see tissue in an X-ray -- is injected through the catheter. Then an X-ray is taken of the area to look for blockages, internal bleeding, or other problems. Catheter angiography can take up to several hours. It often requires sedatives and sometimes a night in the hospital. It also has risks, like a small chance of blood clots or bleeding.
"The newest CT scans allow a completely noninvasive way to get the same information as an invasive catheter angiography," says Lewin.
In a CT angiography, the doctor just injects the contrast material into the arm and takes a CT scan. The arteries in the lungskidneys, brain and legs can then be examined. The whole process takes just 10-25 minutes. It's safer, faster, and cheaper than the traditional way.
CT angiography hasn't completely replaced the old technique. For example, traditional angiography is still commonly used to evaluate heart arteries for blockages.
·         Imaging Tests Instead of Exploratory Surgery
One of the biggest changes in the use of imaging, says Hillman, is that it has largely replaced exploratory surgery.
"In the past, we had to do surgery just to see what was going on inside the body," says Hillman. "But CT scans, MR scans, and ultrasound have become so good that they have largely done away with the need for the surgical approach."
·         PET/CT Scans for Cancer
PET (positron emission tomography) scanning is not new. But it has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly since it was combined with CT scanning in one device.
"PET scanning has been around for a long time," says Hillman, who is also a professor of radiology at the University of Virginia. "But for years no one was sure just what to do with it."
PET scans are a type of "nuclear medicine." The name is unnerving. But "nuclear" refers to the small dose of radioactive material that you are injected with before the test. The amount of radiation exposure is similar to what you would get from a standard X-ray.
Unlike many other imaging technologies, PET scans aren't designed to look at organs or tissue. Instead, they can image biological functions, like blood flow or glucose metabolism. "PET is able to pick up the metabolic changes associated with cancer much earlier than you could see tumors or other physical changes in the organs," says Lewin.
PET/CT scans give a doctor a broader view of a person's condition.
"By fusing PET and CT," says Lewin, "you get to see both the metabolic information of PET and the anatomic detail of CT at once. It's a big advance."
·         Digital Mammography
"Digital mammography for breast cancer screening is a significant leap forward," says Lewin. "It gives us a much higher level of detail than older technology."
Digital mammograms produce similar results to traditional mammograms, which use X-rays and film. But the digital approach has several advantages. Bruce J. Hillman, MD, chairman of the American College of Radiology Imaging Network, notes that digital mammograms are easier and faster to perform. And since they are digital, it's very easy for a doctor to send the images instantly to other experts or medical centers.

Early studies showed that digital mammography worked as well as traditional mammography in detecting breast cancer. A 2005 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found digital mammography was actually more accurate for some women. This includes women who were under 50, women with dense breast tissue, premenopausal women, and women who were around the age of menopause.
Retrieved from Web MD: http://www.webmd.com