Course Outline

LSC 2183 English for Specific Purposes

Fall Semester

Academic Year 2015/16
Semester 1: 23 August - 17 December 2015

Weekly Course Outline


Course Content


23-27 August
Introduction to the course. General Course Outline: course content; course description, objectives and outcomes. Explanation of assessment and assessment criteria. Course materials. Tasks and assignments.

30 Aug-3 Sep
Intensive and extensive reading. Reading a variety of program-related texts. Learning how to write a report. Structure of a report.  Learning how to select and organize information. Choosing report topics. Reading with a purpose: start collecting material for the report. Medical vocabulary.

Home and classroom assignments
6-10 September
Reading tasks. Intensive reading. Written assignments. Vocabulary and grammar. Reading texts on program topics. Vocabulary expansion exercises.
13-17 September
Developing listening skills. Reading texts on program topics. Intensive reading. Vocabulary and grammar. 

20-24 September
Developing reading skills.

Eid Al Adda: 23-24 September

27 Sep-1 Oct
Developing listening skills. Extensive reading. Reading with a purpose. Writing a report.
October 1, Thu: Quiz
(ESP vocabulary, reading texts, written communication)

4-8 October

ESP texts.

Developing oral presentation skills.

Reading, listening and writing test (20%)
11-15 October
Islamic New Year: 15 Oct (Thursday)

18-22 October
Extensive reading (on program-related topics). Reading with a purpose. Preparation for oral presentations (reports).
Oral presentation (10%) on a chosen topic (7 minutes)
25-29 October
Oral presentations (reports).

1-5 November
Medical English: integrated skills

Integrated skills test:  vocabulary, grammar, reading & writing (25%)

8-12 November
Writing a research report. Final (printed) version.

All students print and submit research reports.

Written report (20%)
(submission deadline: 4:00 p.m., Thursday, 12 November 2015
15-19 November
Discussions and debates. Oral presentations. Last week of classes.
Oral report (10%) based on the written report (10 minutes)
22-26 November
Discussions and debates. Oral presentations. Last week of classes.
Oral report (10%) based on the written report (10 minutes)
29 Nov-1 Dec

National Holiday: 2-3 Dec (Wed-Thu)

Assessment Summary

Quiz 15%                                  (vocabulary and grammar) - Week 4
Skills Assessment 20%            (reading, listening, writing) – Week 7
Presentations 10%                    (oral presentation) – Week 9
Project Output 25%                  (integrated skills test) – Week 11
Final Assessment 30%            (written report & presentation) -  Weeks 13-14

Learning Materials

Common Course Outline
  • Course Title: English for Specific Purposes
  • Course Number: LSC 2183
  • Course Credit Units: 3.00
  • Total Contact Periods Per Week: 4
  • Degree Level: AAS/BAS
  • Course Description:
Designed to improve the English communication skills of students who are studying degree program in Health Sciences. Using a range of topics related to their program studies, students are involved in interesting work-related discussions and decision-making tasks with a strong focus on professional language use. The level expected is approximately CEFR mid-B2.
  • Course Learning Outcomes:
    • CLO 1- Understand the main points from short talks given in a range of native and non-native speaker accents on straightforward program related topics, and transfer key information given to diagrams or notes.
    • CLO 2- Understand and use a range of semi-specialist terms used in the program, and be able to demonstrate acceptable word choice, and select and transform language appropriate to a given task.
    • CLO 3- Participate in discussion and other activities to work out and agree solutions to program related scenarios, using appropriate vocabulary and linguistic structures.
    • CLO 4- Make short oral briefings on program-related topics. The briefings should have a clear logical structure and be presented in clear, appropriate English with few errors. Notes may be used as well as PowerPoint or any other suitable program.
    • CLO 5- Read short texts on program topics, understanding text purpose & detail, and be able to analyze them. Locate information on topics related to the program using a variety of methods, and transfer key information to diagrams, charts or notes.
    • CLO 6- Write brief descriptions of graphs and charts, summaries of discussion outcomes, and short texts which give instructions, advice or warnings such as notices, posters, and on-screen messages.
  • Assessment Strategies:

Coursework - Quiz: 30%
Tests/Online quizzes. Number to be determined by college team and weighted accordingly.
(Outcomes: 2,5,6,7)
Coursework - Test: 30%
Mid semester test focusing on items taught and testing reading, listening and writing skills. Weighted appropriately by college teams.
(Outcomes: 1,2,5,6,7)
Coursework - Oral Presentation: 10%
Class discussion/debate based on readings administered by the teacher. Topic related to program and using concepts learnt on the course. Critical thinking and questioning should be significantly featured. Marked based on participation.
(Outcomes: 1,2,3,4)
Final Assessment - Project Output: 30% (CSA)
20% for final report and 10% for final presentation. Both assessments to be based on program related topics and concepts taught on this course. Presentation with an audience and demonstration of ability to field questions appropriately.
(Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Total Weight: 100%

Learning materials: 


Medical Imaging: Texts
Assessment criteria: 
Comprehension of texts and ESP vocabulary

About Myself (10)
Assessment criteria: 
grammar and syntax - 5
spelling - 5

Recent Advances in Imaging Technology (25)
Assessment criteria: 
grammar & syntax - 10
spelling - 5
general structure and cohesion - 10

How Will Nanotechnology Change the World? (Documentary video)
Assessment criteria:
understanding / content - 10
grammar & syntax - 10
abbreviations, spelling - 5
general structure, organisation & cohesion - 5

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